MIT projects
Marks-ism: Bookmarklet collection
A small collection of bookmarklets augmenting the functionality of metafilter, reddit and craigslist.
(Mar 11, 2011)
Digital DeTox
An android application that disables your phone for a period you specify.
(from May to Jun, 2010)
Merry Miser
A persuasive mobile application that convinces you not to buy things.
(from Nov 2008 to Dec 2009)
A simple javascript library that creates customizable maps with user-editable vector layers, and integration of it with Django.
(in progress since Oct, 2009)
Trash Talk
a prototype for a mesh-networked, democratic public address system.
(from Nov 2007 to Apr 2008)
Checking Influence
Find out where your money is going (courtesy of the Sunlight Foundation).
(from Jul to Nov, 2010)
The World's Longest Melody
A pure java implementation of Larry Polansky's original HMSL composition.
(in progress since Aug, 2007)
Eine Kleine Gamelan (Computer) Music
An implementation of Daniel Goode's "Eine Kleine Gamelan Music", based on Larry Polansky's earlier version, as a MaxMSP standalone application for OS X and MaxMSP source files for windows.
(Nov 01, 2005)
Anna's Music Box (AMB)
A realization of Larry Polansky's original HMSL composition for MaxMSP.
(Jan 01, 2006)
Fun and games
KenKen solver
An automatic javascript kenken solver.
(Apr 23, 2010)
Automatic Sudoku Solver
Why solve puzzles by hand, when you can write software to solve them for you?
(Nov 22, 2004)
Acrostic Squares
Python script which solves acrostic squares given an arbitrary dictionary.
(Dec 06, 2005)
A java implementation of Galoob's completely un-famous 1988 out of print forgotten handheld game, "Babble".
(Dec 01, 2004)
Old, unsupported software
I am no longer maintaining any of this older software.