8 Games for Fun and Profit

  1. Starting to Know you

    The goal of the game is to stare at the other person's eyes, while the other person is not staring at yours. You gain 1 point per second that you look at the other person's eyes while they are not looking at yours. Neither player gets any points when there is eye contact.

  2. Time is a Gov't Conspiracy
    For 1 or more players. Equipment: stopwatch.

    In intervals of 1 minute each, change the rate of time. Time should travel extremely fast for 1 minute, then extremely slow for the other. Players demarcate this shift in time by alternately speaking extremely slowly (only 1 word is allowed every 5 seconds), or extremely quickly (words must be spoken continuously as quickly as possible; if a player stumbles for words, they must repeat the last word they said until they think of a new word to say).

  3. Act Only Under Such Maxim
    For 4 players

    Each player is given one of Grice's four maxims of conversational cooperation:

    • quality: speaker tells the truth or provable by adequate evidence
    • quanity: speaker is as informative as required
    • relation: response is relevant to topic of discussion
    • manner: speaker's avoids ambiguity or obscurity, is direct and straightforward

    The player's job is to intentionally violate their given maxim completely. The four players should endeavor to continue conversing, but with continuous flagrant violation of the given maxim.

  4. Finish My Thought
    For 2 or more players

    Each player is only allowed to say one word at a time. The players must create complete sentences and ideas cooperatively by saying single words in sequence.

  5. Follow the Leader
    For 3 or more players

    Each player randomly selects another player to emulate. The players must attempt to exactly emulate the person they are watching as closely is possible, in body language, poise, tics, facial expressions, conversational style, etc. This works best if all the players are also engaged in some other distracting activity, such as at a party.

  6. I Don't Need This Game
    For 1 or more players

    The goal of the game is to enumerate the things that one does not need. Once initiated, the game need not be played continuously, but ought to be played at each point in the course of the day, evening or event as often as the player remembers to. Every time the player remembers, they should say out loud, "I don't need _____", where the blank is filled with whatever it was that they were most recently occupied or entertained with. Whether or not the player believes that they do not need the thing, they should try to act as though they do believe it. It is ideal if this is interspersed into conversation, rather than simply muttered under breath, but muttering is also acceptable if no conversation is handy.

  7. The Object Viewed from Every Angle is the Object Viewed from No Angle
    For 1 or more players, and more non-players.

    During the course of an evening, every time the time on the clock either contains a 3 or adds to a multiple of 3, for the next full minute the players must attempt to listen not to the content of speech around them, but to the sound of vocalization as abstract object or music. The goal is to listen to the words without hearing words, but instead hearing phonemes, amplitudes, vibrating cords, etc. If the player understands the words that are being said, their concentration is not adequate, and they must continue to attempt to listen more carefully to the sounds. If the speech stops, the player must listen to the other sounds in the room in a similar manner. After 1 minute, the player can continue to listen normally, but must not explain any lapse in conversation, and should rather continue with the understanding that the alternative mode of listening is just as valid, needing no explanation.

  8. Potlatch Game

    Give away all of your possessions. All of them. Prove that you are not bound by material concerns. If you cannot or won't give all of them away, create a list of all the possessions you are absolutely unwilling to part with. Sign this list, indicating your acceptance of the terms and conditions under which you inhabit this planet. Part with anything not on the list.