Colorblobs is a data management abstraction for Cycling '74's MaxMSP (though indeed it uses only Max parts, no MSP required). With it, you can smoothly interpolate between arbitrary arrangements of preset data in Max.
Learning from the mistakes of my previous attempts at executing this concept (with gratitude to Ali Momeni for his pioneering work), this new version of the colorblobs excels in many ways.
It connects seamlessly with a pattrstorage to interpolate that pattrstorage's data. This means that you need only drop a colorblobs object into a patch which uses pattrstorage, and you can interpolate over that pattrstorage's presets in fantastic arrangements.
It is lightning fast. Despite the advances of jsui and jitter in the Max world, good ol' QuickDraw LCD is still the fastest way to do graphics in Max. Quick responsiveness and very low overhead, and it still looks good.
Interpolate between colorblob arrangements. Taking the meta to the 2nd level, you can interpolate between spaces of colorspaces using the built-in pattr_ui.
It's FREE, as in speech, as in beer. Licensed under the GPL.
The dirty work is handled by mxj, which means dramatic speed and compatibility improvements over the previous python version. No funky externals required!
For Max version 4.5.x. (Currently crashes in max 5)
- OS X: colorblobs-0.8.dmg
- Windows:
This download includes pattr_ui, on which colorblobs depends.
Licensed under the GPL. Please contact me with bugs!